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大蒜 又叫蒜头、大蒜头、胡蒜等是蒜类植物的统称,是日常常见的一种调味蔬菜,那么,你知道大蒜的英文怎么写吗?今天学习啦小编在这里为大家介绍关于大蒜的英语知识,欢迎大家阅读! 大蒜的英文释义 garlic Allium sativum 大蒜的英文例句 你尝得出炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗? Can you taste the garlic in this stew? 她呼吸中有大蒜味。 Her breath stank of garlic. 我每天食用一瓣大蒜,并额外食用一点大蒜提取物。 I have a clove every day and take extra garlic extract. 将红葱头、大蒜切成片粒。 Slice the shallot and the garlic. 天歇座又往土豆泥里加了些大蒜。 Scorpio puts extra garlic in the mashed potatoes. 关于如何在这个自由烹饪剁碎视频剪辑大蒜丁香学习技巧。 Learn tips on how to mince a clove of garlic in this free cooking video clip. 至今仍不清楚当大蒜被制成片剂,它的效果是否会打折扣。 That triggers an enzyme reaction that boosts the healthy compounds in garlic. 加红辣椒粉和大蒜混合均匀。 Add paprika and garlic and stir until they are mixed well. 本文报道了一种大蒜素的测量方法。 A measuring method of allicin is reported in this paper. 我们已经提到了大蒜的好处。 We already mentioned the benefits of garlic. 大蒜对您的美丽也是非常有益的。 Garlic is very useful for your beauty as well. 把鸡蛋切开放在肉上面,再加上切好的胡萝卜,大蒜和香菜来装饰一下。然后倒上肉汤把它放进冰箱里保鲜。 Cut eggs and put them on meat, add cut carrot, garlic, decorate with sill orcoriander. Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge. 为数众多的偏方都包括饮用(或含漱)含有一些其他物质的热水──从茶、柠檬到大蒜和醋等等。 A wide variety of home remedies involve drinking (or gargling with) hot water withsome other substance -- from tea and lemon to garlic and vinegar. 对于面酱来说,所需的水主要是种植西红柿,糖、大蒜和洋葱的水量,大约加起来为52加仑; For the pasta sauce, the volume of water needed to grow the tomatoes, sugar,garlic and onions added up to 52 gallons. 现在把鸡肉煮4个小时直到鸡肉足以从骨头上脱落下来,然后加入胡萝卜,大蒜和葱再煮30分钟。 Now boil it for 4 hours until the meat goes off the bones.Then add carrot, garlic,onion and boil for another 30 minutes. 就是把新鲜的大蒜和成熟的番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。 Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato, then drizzle witholive oil and salt. 他说: 大蒜产自土壤,所以它有肉毒菌的孢子。 Garlic is from the soil, so it has spores of botulinum in it. 但他坦称这一方案会有一些副作用,目前科学家们仍在研究大蒜提取物对牛肉和牛奶的味道会产生多大影响。 But he admitted there could be side effects as scientists still work out how much ofan effect the garlic extract has on the actual taste of beef and milk. 大多数的菜肴都是用新鲜的材料烹调而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、柠檬草或芫荽等。 Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic orchillies with plenty of lime juice, lemon grass, or coriander. 当加盟美国职业球场后,他可以很尽情地享用大蒜面包了。 With his move to LA he can afford garlic bread on the side as well! 但一项新的研究表明,在您的饮食只添加大蒜与大葱可以帮助降低了这一潜在的致命癌症。 But a new study shows that filling your diet with garlic and scallions can helpreduce the chance of this potentially deadly cancer. 把鸡蛋切开放在肉上面,再加上切好的胡萝卜,大蒜和香菜来装饰一下。 Cut eggs and put them on meat, add cut carrot, garlic, decorate with sill orcoriander. 网民用它来讽刺今年冬天飞涨的大蒜和食物的价格。 Netizens used it to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter. 用大蒜裹住海虾。 Coat prawns with garlic. 网民使用它讽刺今年冬天大蒜和食品价格的飞涨。 Netizens used it to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter. 然而,土豆、甘薯、洋葱和大蒜要放在凉快,阴暗,通气性良好的地方,但不在冰箱。 However, keep potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, and garlic in a cool, dark, well ventilated place, but not in the refrigerator. 假如你是第一次吻某人,千万不要吃味道刺激的食物,例如洋葱、大蒜或是其他味道强烈的东西。当然,要是你的那一位恰好嗜好同种食物则另当别论。 If you are intending to kiss someone for the first time then avoid strong foods likeonion, garlic or strong flavours, unless of course your partner has been indulgingin the same foods. 世界各地的人每年消费的大蒜远远超过了咖啡。 Every year, people around the world consume much more garlic than coffee. 大蒜既是一种食物同时也是一种治愈系植物,能够被用来治疗严重的疾病。 Garlic is both a food and a healing herb and can be used to help treat seriousdiseases. 将一瓣大蒜打碎,可以闻到辛辣的芳香味。 Smash a clove of garlic and take in the pungent fragrance. 他指着那些最明亮的星星,讲述怎么利用它们找到位于沙漠东部的比尔马绿洲,在那儿,他们用洋葱和大蒜换盐。 He points to the brightest stars and describes how to use them to navigate to theBilma oasis in the ea(我为你翻山越岭却无心看风景是什么意思?急于找到你,来到你的身边,以至于在路途上没看风景的心情!所爱隔山海,山海皆可平。我跟你隔着山山水水,它们都很美,路上遇到的人也很可爱,但是一想到路的那头有你,我就无心停下来赏花观水,那些想跟我交流的人我也不去搭理。)stern desert, where they would trade onions and garlic forsalt. 在中国大宗商品市场,大蒜是资产投机行为的最新证据,先期进入该市场的投机者获得了史无前例的收益 ,摩根斯坦利认为。 The most recent evidence of asset speculation in China s commodity markets has been for garlic, which has seen unprecedented gains as speculators haveentered the market, Morgan Stanley said. 关于大蒜的英语对话:要求莱里不放大蒜 Waiter: May I take your order? 服务员:现在点菜吗? Guest: I would like to have shelled shrimps with cashew nuts. 顾客:我想要份腰果虾仁。 Wditer Anything else? 服务员:还有吗? Guest: Strawberry cake as dessert,please.By the way,could you serve my main course without garlic and put less ginger to it. 顾客:还要份做为甜点的草莓蛋糕。顺便说一下,主食里不要放大蒜,少放点姜。 Waiter: No problem sir. 服务员:没问题。 关于大蒜的英文阅读:为什么吃蒜后口气不好 Hey, it s good for your taste buds and good for your body, but you ve got to wonder,how can something that adds such a brilliant flavor to food leave you with such bad breath after you eat it? Our buddies over at Compound Interest have some answers for us, so sit back, get peeling, and get ready for some hard chemistry facts about garlic. 大蒜让你味蕾大开,有益身体,但是你或许会想,大蒜可以让食物如此美味,为什么吃过大蒜之后会在嘴里留下这么难闻的味道?我们Compound Interest的伙计们为我们带来了答案。所以,请坐好,给大蒜剥皮,然后准备了解与大蒜有关的一些化学知识。 Garlic contains four major volatile organic compounds that are responsible for that notorious garlic breath. Interestingly enough,none of these compounds are present in garlic until it s crushed or chopped. 大蒜中含有四种主要的易挥发的有机化合物,导致令人讨厌的口气。有趣的是,这些化合物原本并不存在于大蒜中,直到压碎或切碎后才会出现。 When garlic s structure is damaged,enzymes convert the compound allin to allicin the compound responsible for garlic s distinct smell. Allicin is then broken down into the four compounds that were just mentioned. 当大蒜的结构被破坏后,酶会把化合物蒜苷转化为蒜素 这种化合物就是大蒜有着独特的味道的原因。Allicin随后被分解为上述提到的四种化合物。 Once you take your first bite, the allyl methyl sulfide compound is broken down in the body much slower than the rest of the gang, so it s mostly responsible for your garlic breath. 当你吃第一口的时候,丙烯基甲基硫醚在人体内的分解速度远远低于其他几种,所以它是导致糟糕口气的元凶。 This compound is then passed into your bloodstream and organs, and is excreted when you sweat, breathe, and when you have to pee. But hey, if you re worried about garlic breath,try eating some parsley or drinking milk. 然后,这种化合物被传送至血液和器官,当你出汗,呼吸或者放屁的时候就会排泄出来。但是,如果你担心吃大蒜后口气糟糕,可以吃一些西芹或喝一点牛奶。 These two foods are actually known to reduce garlic breath! 这两种食物可以缓解大蒜的味道。 There s also more to garlic than its delicious flavor and accompanying bad breath. 大蒜除了美味和糟糕的口气之外还有许多你不知道的知识。 You may have heard people tell that you garlic is good for you health. 你或许听人说过,大蒜对身体健康有益。 Well they re right!Garlic carries antibacterial properties,and three compounds in particular do the dirty work: Diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide,and diallyl trisulfide. 是的,他们说的是对的。大蒜中含有抗菌成分,其中三种化合物功不可没:二烯丙基硫醚,二烯丙基二硫醚和二烯丙基三硫醚。 Sulfur-containing organic compounds like these can penetrate the cell membranes of bacteria cells, and combine with certain enzymes or proteins to alter their structure,which ultimately damages the cells. Also, along with these organosulfur bacterial assassins,allicin has similar antibacterial properties. 这些含硫有机化合物可以穿透细菌细胞的细胞膜,与特定的酶和蛋白质结合改变其结构,最终破坏细胞。同样,除了这些硫细菌杀手之外,蒜素也有类似的抗菌功效。猜你喜欢:1.专题用英语怎么说2.迷彩用英语怎么说3.会员用英语怎么说4.物品用英语怎么说5.主板英文怎么说6.贺卡用英语怎么说


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