Confucius,One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius. Hesometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He wasborn in the village of Zou in the country of Lu.
This Chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government.
Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature,the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teachingthem lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully.
Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was Kung Chiu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.
翻译: 孔子,名丘,字仲尼。鲁国陬邑人。先世是宋国贵族,避难迁鲁。他出生时,家世已经没落。年轻时做过季孙氏的委吏和乘田等。三十多岁到齐国,几年没有得到齐君的知前`重用,又回到鲁国,聚徒讲学。五十多岁时,由鲁国中都宰升任司寇。后又曾周游宋、搭陪清卫、蔡、齐、楚等国。晚年在鲁国编订古代文化典籍《诗》《尚书》《春秋》等,教授门徒。孔子的弟子曾将他的谈话和他与门徒的问答,辑成《论语》一书,这是研究孔子思想的主要资料。