

2023-07-21 19:56:24 编辑:join 浏览量:640


something代词 pron. 1.某人;某事Are you trying to hide something from me? 你是不是有什么事要瞒着我? I have something to ask you. 我有事情要问你。 2.(用以表示模糊的概念)大概;若干;什么The parcel was ten pounds something. 这包裹有十磅左右。 Profits have fallen by something over three percent. 利润已下降百分之三多一点。 3.还算幸运的事At least we didn't lose any money. That's something. 至少我们没有损失什么钱。这还算幸运。 名词 n. 1.重要的人(或事物);值得重视的人(或事物);具有某种特点的人(或事物)She thinks she's something since she won the prize. 她自得奖之后,觉得自己挺了不起了。 It is quite something to have won him over. 把他争取过来是一件很了不起的事。 2.少量;部分There is something in what he says. 他讲的话有些道理。 Did you give something to the porter? 你有没有给脚夫一点钱? 副词 ad. 1.几分,有点;大约She looks something like her mother. 她有一点像她母亲。 2.很;非常It sounds something awful. 这事听起来非常可怕。 -something后缀 suf. 1.【口】(表示年龄)大约...;...左右(="-ish")thirty something 大约三十岁;三十上下;三十左右


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