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candy bling翻译

2024-07-14 03:08:25 编辑:join 浏览量:556

candy bling翻译

我仍然记得I still remember

这朦胧的九月That hazy September

我一直waitin的人喜欢你I've been waitin' for someboy like you

回来To come back around

我们在公园里散步We would walk in the park

Eavery星期六Eavery Saturday

全新的所有爱那个时间。Brand new all in love kissin' time away

你是我的一切,它是在平原You was all up on me, it was plain to see

我是你的女孩That I was your girl

回来的路上,那麽它是很简单的事情Way back then it was the simple things

这名板、脚链等,你给我的Anklets, name plates that you gave to me

甜果馅饼、环的毁灭Sweet tarts, ring pops

美国,糖果Had that candy bling

你是我的整个世界And you were my world

现在,我希望我可以回去Now I wish I could go back

并使时间停止And make time stop

我将把这爱I would take this love

从山顶上过来Throw back from the top

去玩我的歌。DJ Go DJ play my song

我下定决心的思念着你And I'm gon' think about you

一整夜All night long

在以前,我们正在恋爱Back in the day we were in love

我们不是爱We're not in love any more

但有些日子我坐着希望But some days I sit and wish

我们相爱了We were in love again

在以前,我们正在恋爱Back in the day we were in love

我们不是爱We're not in love any more

但有些日子我坐着希望But some days I sit and wish

我们相爱了We were in love again

我们要做的事情一样不负责任Irresponsible things we would do like

在电话里睡着了Fall asleep on the phone

和歌词——And skippin' school

现在我回到未来天堂上少的你Now I'm back to the future missin' you

我可爱的孩子My sweet baby

我可爱的东西,像糖果My sweet thing, like candy

感觉就像真正的爱情,不只是打打球Felt like real love, not just play play

“你甜心宝贝天堂上少Missin' you my sweet baby

我不能删除你的照片从我的记忆I can't delete your picture from my mind

这是我所能做的一切It was everything that I could do

走开To stay away

我经常经常回忆And I often reminisce about

我们玩的游戏The games we played

哦,是的,它是标签,追逐、旋转瓶子Oh yeah it was tag, chase, spin the bottle

他们将持续。蝴蝶Them butterflies would last

到明天Till tomorrow

然后,路灯亮Then the lights came on

我已经向右跑回家I had to run right home

现在,我希望我可以回去Now I wish I could go back

并使时间停止And make time stop

我将把这爱I would take this love

从山顶上过来Throw back from the top

去玩我的歌。DJ Go DJ play my song

我下定决心的思念着你And I'm gon' think about you

一整夜All night long

在以前,我们正在恋爱Back in the day we were in love

我们不是爱We're not in love any more

但有些日子我坐着希望But some days I sit and wish

我们相爱了Back in the day we were in love

在以前,我们正在恋爱We're not in love any more

我们不是爱But some days I sit and wish

但有些日子我坐着希望We were in love again

我们相爱了Irresponsible things we would do like

我们要做的事情一样不负责任Fall asleep on the phone

在电话里睡着了And skippin' school

和歌词——And skippin' schoolI'm back to the future missin' you

现在我回到未来天堂上少的你Now I'm back to the future missin' you

我可爱的孩子My sweet baby

我可爱的东西,像糖果My sweet thing, like candy

感觉就像真正的爱情,不只是打打球Felt like real love, not just play play

“你甜心宝贝天堂上少Missin' you my sweet baby

我不能删除你的照片从我的记忆I can't delete your picture from my mind

我也有同样的咪咪I'm the same Mimi

名声不会改变了我Fame ain't changed me

蝴蝶像阿里Butterfly flow like Muhammad Ali

但愿我能让你喜欢O.D.B. Wish I could bring you back like the O.D.B.

Thinkin’的漩涡Thinkin' about the whirlpools

我和杰克Me you and Jack

无论我做什么,No matter what I do,

所有的memoies堆积All the memoies are stacked

“关于Ioth Thinkin品位Thinkin' about Ioth Grade

Thinkin ' '布特11号Thinkin' 'bout 11th

然后你就Dougie新鲜Then you went Dougie Fresh

所有的方式去天堂All the way to heaven

在以前,我们正在恋爱Back in the day we were in love

我们不是爱We're not in love any more

但有些日子我坐着希望But some days I sit and wish

我们相爱了We were in love again

在以前,我们正在恋爱Back in the day we were in love

我们不是爱We're not in love any more

但有些日子我坐着希望But some days I sit and wish

我们相爱了We were in love again

我们要做的事情一样不负责任Irresponsible things we would do like

在电话里睡着了Fall asleep on the phone

和歌词——And skippin' school

现在我回到未来天堂上少的你Now I'm back to the future missin' you

我可爱的孩子My sweet baby

我可爱的东西,像糖果My sweet thing, like candy

感觉就像真正的爱情,不只是打打球Felt like real love, not just play play

“你甜心宝贝天堂上少Missin' you my sweet baby

我不能删除你的照片从我的记忆I can't delete your picture from my mind


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