- 我的狗是我家的宠物,我是它的主人。 My dog is the pet of our family, and I am its owner.
- 这座城堡有很久的历史了,它的所有者是一位贵族。 This castle has a long history, and its owner is a noble.
- 他开了一家公司,是公司的创办人和所有者。 He founded a company and is its founder and owner.
- 这个字体的版权属于字体设计师,他是字体的所有者。 The copyright of this font belongs to the font designer, who is its owner.
- 作为养蜂人,他是自己蜂群的主人。 As a beekeeper, he is the master of his own hive.
- 这名驯鸟师已经训练了很多鸟,他是鸟的主人和朋友。 This bird trainer has trained many birds and is their master and friend.
- 别忘了礼节,我们应该尊重主人的规矩和要求。 Don't forget the etiquette; we should follow the rules and requests of our host.
- 在这个婚礼上,新郎新娘陵困扰缓的主人非常周到,让每个客人都感到宾至如归。 At this wedding, the host of the bride and groom were very thoughtful and made every guest feel at home.