当前位置:知之问问>百科知识>The man here now与 The man who is here now有什么区别?____ will lea

The man here now与 The man who is here now有什么区别?____ will lea

2023-08-12 09:10:13 编辑:join 浏览量:601

The man here now与 The man who is here now有什么区别?____ will lea

The man here now与 The man who is here now有什么区别?____ will leave for Beijing.A.Now there the man B.The man here nowC.The man who is here now D.The man is here nowB和C不是一个意思吗?

并非who在做定语从句引导词所有的时候都能被省略,此句,who 做 who is here now 的主语,即,the man is here now,故不能被省略.相反的,如果who 作为宾语,则可以被省略.e.g.She's the girl who you know.这里的who可以省略,因为you love the girl,the girl作的是宾语.可以变成She's the girl you love.这样说不知道你理解不?


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