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GL Meaning: What Does GL Mean? Useful Text Conversations GL的含义:GL是什么意思?有用的文本对话

What does GL mean? Find out the meaning of this text abbreviation with interesting conversation examples and ESL infographic in English. GL是什么意思? 通过有趣的对话示例和英语的ESL信息图找出这个文本缩写的含义。

GL Meaning GL意义

What Does GL Mean? GL意味着什么?

“ GL ” stands for “ good luck ” in shorthand. “GL”代表“好运”的简写。

good luck 祝您好运;大吉大利;鸿运;顺风

good luck 是形容词+名词的组合,是形容词修饰名词的用法,在语法上叫做名词性词组,表示这个词组是名词性质

This is often a tag that is used by gamers as a well-wishing for the other person’s victoriousness. It might also be said to someone who has an audition, a sports match, a date, or a job interview. You might also wish someone good luck for any type of activity in which they hope to have a successful outcome, like fishing, or jogging a full four miles instead of three.


G – Good 好 L – Luck 运气

Similar internet slang words 类似的网络俚语

When used in gaming, you might also see two other acronyms used: “ gg ” and/or “ hf ”. “ Gg ” means “ good game ” and “hf” means “ have fun ”. Since the topic is on games, if you’re playing the World of Warcraft, “ gg ” might stand for “ guild ”, which is a leader.


“GG” stands for “Good game” GG代表“好游戏”

G – Good G – Game

“HF” stands for “Have fun” HF代表“玩得开心”

H – Have F – Fun

“GG” stands for “World of Warcraft” GG代表“魔兽世界”

“GG” (World of Warcraft, or WoW) GG- guild

In addition to using “ gl ”, some people also use variations such as “ gl2u ”, meaning “ good luck to you ” or “ gl4u ” meaning “ good luck for you ”. The most common variation of this though is usually just the simple “ gl ”. “ Gl ” could also stand for “ good looking ”, as in appearances.


If you are responding to a ludicrous claim from someone, and want to respond sarcastically, you can say, “ gl2t ”, meaning “ good luck to that ”.


“GL2U” stands for “Good luck to you” GL2U代表“祝你好运”

G – Good L – Luck 2 – To U – You

“GL4U” stands for “Good luck for you” GL4U代表“祝你好运”

G – Good L – Luck 4 – For U – You

“GL” stands for “Good looking” GL代表“好看”

G – Good L – Looking

“GL2T” stands for “Good luck to that” GL2T代表好运

G – Good L – Luck 2 – To T – That

“ Gl ” started in the gaming world when gamers would create shorthand to talk among themselves or in forums without having to fully type out the words. This could be due to character limitation or just because shorthand has become the norm.


Regardless, as with most things, it has outgrown it’s original roots and is used by primarily everyone who wishes to pass their blessings onto another person and wish them luck and success.


Conversation Examples 谈话的例子

Here are some examples of how “ gl ” could be used: 下面是一些如何使用“gl”的例子:

Example 1 with “ gl ” ( G- Good, L- Luck ) 示例1使用“gl”(G- Good, L- Luck)

Player 1: This is it. Final level Player 2: gl hf kick butt Player 1: Got it.

Example 2 with “ gl2u ” ( G- Good, L- Luck, 2- To, U- You ) 例子2中的“gl2u”(G- Good, L- Luck, 2- To, U- You)

Speaker 1: Job interview today Speaker 2: gl2u let me no how it goes Speaker 1: Iw

“ IW ” stands for “ I will ” IW代表“我会”

I – I W – Will

Example 3 with “ gl4u ” ( G- Good, L- Luck, 4- For, U- You ) 例子3的“gl4u”(G- Good, L- Luck, 4- For, U- You)

Speaker 1: It’s your wedding day! Gl4u 2! Speaker 2: Aww. Thanx. I’m so excited!

Example 4 with “ gl ” ( G- Good, L- Looking ) 示例4带有“gl”(G-很好,L-看起来不错)

Guy: Damn gurl, you gl. Girl: Ty Guy: Let me take you out. Girl: what time?

In this example, “ gl ” means “ good looking ” instead of good luck. 在这个例子中,“gl”的意思是“好看”而不是“好运”。

Example 5 with “ gl2t ” ( G- Good, L- luck, 2- to, t- That ) 例子5中的“gl2t”(G- Good, L- luck, 2- to, t- That)

Son: I challenge you Mom: gl2t. I’ll murder you like always Son: Let’s go then. Mom: Soon as I finish supper. You better practice while you can. Son: Nah. I got this. Mom: Okay. We’ll see

GL Meaning Infographic GL意义信息图表


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