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以上的英文:more thanaboveoverthe above-mentioned参考例句:Stay a minimum of 3 nights and receive 1 extra night free.入住三夜以上,免费一夜。This engine puts out more than one thousand horsepower.这台发动机可产生一千匹以上的马力。A flower may contain more than one carpel一朵花可以有一个以上的心皮。For a group of 20 persons or above, room rent is lower (a special rate is available).团体二十人以上,羡歼侍房价优惠。The towers are 170 ft above the caisson沉井以上的塔柱高度为170英尺。Bid package: Usually refers to bids where there is more than one item involved.一揽子投标:通常改昌是指包含一项以上招标内兄吵容的标书。


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