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从历史上看,墨尔本是公认的文化创新枢纽,在 1906 年生产世界上第一部故事片,在印象派的运动中发挥不可或缺的作用。这一直持续到今天:这个城市有无数的博物馆、 画廊和文化聚会,包括罗富国社交俱乐部,被称为城市最好的现场音乐表演场地。此外值得注意的是这个城市的城市艺术舞台和富有表现力的涂鸦文化,可以单独看待或作为街头艺术之旅的一部分。

墨尔本(Melbourne)是澳大利亚维多利亚州的首府、澳大利亚联邦第二大城市,澳洲文化、工业中心,是南半球最负胜名的文化名城。墨尔本曾是澳大利亚联邦的首都,城市绿地率高达40%。大墨尔本地区面积达到3,400平方英里(8806平方公里),是南半球较广大的都会区之一。墨尔本城市环境非常优雅,曾荣获联合国人居奖,并连续多年被联合国人居署评为“全球最适合人类居住的城市“ 。墨尔本有“澳大利亚文化之都”的美誉,也是国际闻名的时尚之都,其服饰、艺术、音乐、电视制作、电影、舞蹈等潮流文化均享誉全球。墨尔本是南半球第一个主办过夏季奥运会的城市,一年一度的澳大利亚网球公开赛、F1赛车澳大利亚分站、墨尔本杯赛马等国际著名赛事都在墨尔本举行。



墨尔本最高排名的大学,澳大利亚的第二古老的大学,墨尔本大学位于城市的帕克维尔郊区,世界排名第 31。学校有160年的历史,目前有超过38000名学生在读。帕克维尔地区以其绿树成荫的街道和遗产建筑物而闻名,此外还有墨尔本的主要旅游景点之一——墨尔本动物园。位于城市的中央商务区,这所大学拥有许多咖啡馆、 商店、 运动场馆以及四通八达的交通网络。帕克维尔也是2006年墨尔本英联邦运动会村的所在地。出国留学网提醒大学是著名的八国集团成员——八国集团为澳大利亚领先的研究型大学联盟。


最初成立于 1887 年,作为墨尔本工作男性学院,墨尔本皇家理工大学在设计和技术上有很强的实力,在世界排名 291 = 。其主校区位于市中心的中央商务区边北部。学校是在墨尔本市中心的几座大学之一,并不只是在它本身,还是城市文化枢纽的重要组成部分之一。墨尔本皇家理工大学在澳大利亚校区有超过 57,000 的学生,还有另外的 17,000名学生在其国际校区就读。在学校的设施中值得注意的是其运行的风洞,被汽车设计课程和行业合作伙伴所用。


建校仅55年,莫纳什大学是一个相对年轻的研究机构,有一个大的学生社区,有63 000名学生。大学世界排名 69 =,有横跨整个维多利亚州的 6 个校区,此外还有2个国际校区。这所学校的校训是“Ancora imparo”,翻译过来是“我仍在学习”,反映了其致力于创新和持续发展。其主校区跟墨尔本大学在帕克维尔相邻,还是维多利亚大学药学院的所在,维多利亚大学药学院成立于上世纪 90 年代,随后与莫纳什大学合并,并使得莫纳什大学被排在世界药学与药理学领域前10。莫纳什大学也是八国集团的一员。


拉筹伯大学成立于 1964 年,在维多利亚州有 6 个校区。其主校区坐落在墨尔本市中心以北仅 16 公里的墨尔本市郊区。学校拥有两家艺术博物馆,以及在墨尔本市的雕塑公园。大学在世界排名 390 = ,其最显著的排名为艺术和人文学科。拉筹伯大学当前有近 35,000名学生,同时也在墨尔本的中央商务区的中心地带为研究生商学院学生授课。


虽然主要位于临近城市吉隆,以及墨尔本郊区的伯伍德,迪肯大学已明显有大都会的氛围。作为一个小的区域机构,始建于1974 年,迪肯大学与两所在维多利亚州其他学校合并,成为在州西边的关键学校。在范围广泛的专业成为墨尔本顶尖的大学之一。学校现在有几乎 44 000 人口跨其三个校区,在世界排名 380 = 。吉隆校区位于科里欧湾,有现代化的设施和开放空间。


在墨尔本的顶尖大学还有维多利亚大学,世界排名701 + (虽然在QS 世界大学排名中靠后,但仍然是世界上最精英的机构)。出国留学网提醒维多利亚大学提供广泛的教学,从短期课程和学徒到研究生学位课程。超过 50,000 名学生都就读维多利亚和富茨克雷公园校区,墨尔本市中心外5 公里的地方,提供了先进的体育设施,于2011年花费6000万美元建成。


斯威本科技大学位于霍桑郊区,距市中心仅 7 公里。该机构在世界上排名481-490,是专注于技术的公共研究中心,有超过 60 000 名学生分散在其 6 个校区。大学的普拉汉校区是艺术学院与设计学院所在地,因其在艺术和设计领域的创意社区而闻名。墨尔本的郊外充满活力和都市感,拥有一个受欢迎的购物区和丰富的夜生活。


Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city and one of the most livable cities in the world according to the annual Mercer quality of living report, is a truly international place to live, with over 40% of its population coming from overseas.

Historically Melbourne is well established as a hub of cultural innovation, having produced the world’s first feature film in 1906 and played an integral role in the Impressionist movement. This continues today; the city offers myriad museums, galleries and cultural hangouts, including Northcote Social Club, known as the best live music venue in the city. Also of note is the city’s urban art scene and expressive graffiti culture, which can be viewed on solo excursions or as part of a street art tour.

Situated in the western state of Victoria, Melbourne is also known for its changeable weather; it can go from searing heat to tepid downpours in minutes. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the city is a heaven for food lovers and boasts many great restaurants and cafés.

The city’s lively nightlife and packed cultural calendar, along with its beautiful beaches, help make Melbourne a highly attractive destination for international students. Perhaps the only downside would be that the strength of the Australian dollar makes living in the city relatively expensive – but on the other hand, employability prospects after graduation are strong.

Based on the QS World University Rankings®, here are the seven top universities in Melbourne, each with much to offer prospective students.

University of Melbourne

The highest ranked of universities in Melbourne, and Australia’s second oldest university, the University of Melbourne is located in the city’s Parkville suburb and is ranked 31st in the world. The school is in its 160th year and currently enrolls over 38,000 students. The area of Parkville is known for its leafy streets and heritage buildings along with one of Melbourne’s main tourist attractions, Melbourne Zoo. On the doorstep of the city’s central business district, the university boasts many cafés, shops and sports venues as well as good transport links. Parkville was also the site of the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Village and continues to act as an inclusive community environment and the social legacy of the games. The university is a member of the prestigious Group of Eight, an alliance of Australia’s leading research universities.

Monash University

Just 55 years old, Monash University is a relatively young research institution with a large student community of 63,000. The university in ranked 69= in the world and has six campuses throughout the state of Victoria and two more internationally. The school’s motto ‘Ancora imparo’, translated as ‘I am still learning’, reflects its dedication to innovation and ongoing development. Its main campus neighbors the University of Melbourne in Parkville and is home to the Victorian College of Pharmacy which merged with Monash University in the 1990s, and has led to the school being ranked in the top 10 universities in the world in the fields of pharmacy and pharmacology. Monash is also a part of the Group of Eight.

RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)

Originally founded in 1887 as the Working Men’s College of Melbourne, RMIT University has a strong focus on design and technology and is ranked 291= in the world . Its main campus is in the northern section of the city center on the edge of the central business district. The school prides itself on being one of few universities in Melbourne which is so central, and the fact that it is not enclosed within itself, but forms a key part of the city’s cultural hub. RMIT University has a population of over 57,000 students at its Australian base, and an additional 17,000 enrolled at its international campuses. Among facilities of note at the school is its working wind tunnel, which is used on the automotive design course and by industry partners.

Deakin University

Although located primarily in the neighboring city of Geelong and the suburb of Burwood just outside of Melbourne, Deakin University has a distinctly metropolitan vibe. Starting life in 1974 as a small regional institution, Deakin has since merged with two other schools in the state of Victoria to become a key player in the western side of the state, excelling in a large range of subjects, and becoming one of the top universities in Melbourne. The school now has a population of almost 44,000 across its three campuses and is ranked 380= in the world. The Geelong campus is located on Corio Bay with modern facilities and open spaces.

La Trobe University

Established in 1964, La Trobe University has six campuses across the state of Victoria. Its main campus is situated in the city suburb of Bundoora which is just 16km north of Melbourne’s city center. The school boasts two art museums as well as a sculpture park in Melbourne city. The university is ranked 390= in the world, with its most notable ranking achievements in the arts and humanities subjects. La Trobe University has nearly 35,000 current students and also teaches postgraduate business students in the heart of Melbourne’s central business district.

Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne University of Technology is located in the suburb of Hawthorn, just 7km outside of the city center. The institution, ranked 481-490 in the world, is a public research center focused on technology and is home to over 60,000 students spread across its six campuses. The university’s Prahran campus, where the faculty of design and the National Institute of Circus Arts are located, is renowned for its creative community in fields of arts and design. This suburb of Melbourne is both vibrant and metropolitan, boasting a popular shopping district and decent nightlife.

Victoria University

Last in our list of top universities in Melbourne is Victoria University, ranked 701+ in the world (towards the end of the range covered by the QS World University Rankings, but still very much within the world’s most elite institutions). Victoria University has much to offer in terms of its wide spectrum of teaching levels, ranging from short courses and apprenticeships to postgraduate degrees. Over 50,000 students are enrolled at Victoria and the Footscray Park campus, 5km outside of Melbourne city center, offers a state-of-the-art sports facility which was built to the handsome tune of US$60 million in 2011.



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