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[非主流·{音药}]keane(基恩乐队)  I walked across an empty land  I knew the pathway like the back of my hand  I felt the earth beneath my feet  Sat by the river and it made me complete  Oh simple thing where have you gone?  I'm getting old and I need something to rely on  So tell me when you're gonna let me in  I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin  I came across a fallen tree  I felt the branches of it looking at me  Is this the place we used to love?  Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?  Oh simple thing where have you gone? 清简 I'm getting old and I need something to rely on  So tell me when you're gonna let me in  I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin  So if you have a minute why don't we go  Talk about it somewhere only we know?  This could be the end of everything  So why don't we go  Somewhere only we know?  Oh simple thing where have you gone?  I'm getting old and I need something to rely on  So tell me when you're gonna let me in  I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin  So if you have a minute why don't we go  Talk about it somewhere only we know?  This could be the end of everything  So why don't we go  So why don't we go  Ooo  This could be the end of everything  So why don't we go  Somewhere only we know?  艺人:Keane  唱片:Hopes And Fears  厂牌:环球  时间:2004/5/21  Artist: Keane  Album Title: Hopes And Fears  1.Somewhere Only We Know  2. Bend and Break  3. We Might As Well Be Strangers  4. Everybody's Changing  5. Your Eyes Open  6. She Has No Time  7. Can't Stop Now  8. Sunshine  9. This is the Last Time  10. On A Day Like Today  11. Untitled I  12. Bedshaped  Keane由主唱Tom Chaplin、键盘手Tim Rice-oxley和鼓手Richard Hughes三人组成,没有吉他手和贝司手。曲风上和Coldplay很相似,但比他们温暖没他们忧郁。  来自英国年度最佳新进乐团,教人心醉神迷的动人旋郑和律!”现年24岁、组团6年、三人组合的‘基音’乐队来自英喊正盯国萨西克斯郡的一个小镇,他们没有吉他手,只以钢琴、鼓、以及歌声三种元素创造音乐。钢琴编织出旋律、鼓给予骨干,而歌声赋予不朽的灵魂。再在名混音师MikeSpikeStents(Madonna、U2)的打造下,主唱充满穿透力的歌声与丝丝入扣的动人旋律合而为一。  全球电台一致推荐:首支单曲"Somewhere Only We Know"问鼎2004英国年度最佳单曲,Keane舍弃了所有的吉他表现,仅靠着钢琴、鼓所创作的优美乐章,势必让人刮目相看。魅力十足的乐团,主唱圆润、清亮而饶富感情的嗓音,动人诠释一首首精采的创作!钢琴、鼓、高亢的歌喉与丰富的创作力,是Keane成功的方程式;"Somewhere Only We Know"充满感情而温暖,这首Sunshine也一样很棒,旋律优美,流畅致极。  世界上对他的评价我就不说了 几乎是清一色的好评如潮  有人甚至说他们是21世纪的披头士  这些我都不关心 我只关心他们的音乐  他们的特点就是这样的明显  钢琴 就是 钢琴 这个看似古典的东西  keane把他们结合的很好  如水银泻地般的钢琴声在他们的音乐中你可以听出自信  加上主唱Tom Chaplin 中性辽阔的声音....  可以说真的是一种享受  “不管发生什么,不管我们经历什么,我想我的生活都没有任何巨大的变化,一切都是很简单的:生命里永远充满着悲悯和哀怜”------keane  http://img004.photo.wangyou.com/2004/10/23/25696/200411015847000.jpg


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