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小的的英文:   diminutive   Lilliputian   little   mini   petit   petite   small   teeny-weeny   two-by-four   weenie   weeny   参考例句:   Very small;diminutive.   小的;矮小的You young monkey   小淘气鬼Eat like a Bird   胃口小,吃的少Tiny kingdom   蕞尔唤雀键小邦tobaccohatchet(spud)   烟草小斧 [铲凿]Acerbic barberries   酸小檗Something small for its kind,especially a small glass for beer or liqueur.   小酒杯尺寸比正常要小的.东西,尤指小啤酒杯或小酒杯A young foal with spindly legs   细长腿的小驹子This is a slight tilt.   这是个小斜坡。Trivial;unimportant;petty   微不足道的;无足轻重的;小的diminutive是什么意思:   adj. 很小的   n. 指小词缀;昵称;极小的人(或物)   Maggie is a diminutive of Margaret.   玛吉是玛格丽特的昵称。Sue is a diminutive of Susan.   苏是苏珊的亲昵称呼。The diminutive Ponzi fit the bill perfectly.   矮小的庞茨完全符合这些特征。lilliputian是什么意思:   adj.小人国居民的 n.小人国居民,侏儒   In late January a Brobdingnagian battle erupted over a Lilliputian water dweller.   1月底,一种小小的水栖生物掀起了一场和巧大战。His adventures among the Lilliputians have been read in emasculated nursery editions by most children   多数儿童都读过删节的幼儿版本,知道格列佛在利立浦特人中的冒险经历。little是什么意思:   adj. 小的;年幼的;短的,近的;可爱的;讨厌的;微不足道的   pron. 不多的;一些  岁汪 adv. 少许;稍微   n. 少许;没有多少;短时间   He is recovering little by little.   他的健康正在渐渐地恢复起来。Little by little and Bit by Bit   积少成多,积沙成塔What costs little is little esteemed.


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