当前位置:知之问问>百科问答>何以笙箫默插曲The Road Not Taken完整版mp3在线试听下载_The Road Not Taken歌词介绍

何以笙箫默插曲The Road Not Taken完整版mp3在线试听下载_The Road Not Taken歌词介绍

2024-06-26 18:48:02 编辑:join 浏览量:581

何以笙箫默插曲The Road Not Taken完整版mp3在线试听下载_The Road Not Taken歌词介绍

《何以笙箫默》插曲《The Road Not Taken》在线试听 0飞外网2015-01-19 13:30

电视剧《何以笙箫默》播出播出至今也是收获了许多人的关注,本剧讲述何以琛和赵默笙一段年少时的爱恋,牵出一生的纠缠。今天飞外网小编就带小伙伴们去听听剧中的一首插曲《The Road Not Taken》,希望大家喜欢! 《The Road Not Taken》高品质试听: 《The Road Not Taken》歌词介绍: 作词:高姗 作曲:高姗 演唱:高姗 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood I'd go back and rechoose if I could But here I lay now, sick and so confused Was it all lie or was it all true Sleep now gently my darling love Don't let my worries trouble you People try hard t(初心和使命是什么?初心和使命就是为中国人民谋幸福,为中华民族谋复兴。为夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不懈奋斗。)o forget But memories always stay Nightmares and dreams of long passed things Try and chase me away from sleep All that time I spent in the dark Just like that, I'm in the light Everything will be fine Notice all the similarities We go together like the birds and bees Just imagine what all could have happened Every one I knew would long be dead (飞外网丨www.365j.com) What really goes on behind closed doors Makes me secretly cry out loud Within all these horror stories Lay many times of regret Always in such a frightened state Trapped in an imaginary cage Living life day by day And soon enough,some day I'll come out and play In a world where everything is upside down I try hard not to lose my mind Things keep getting worse so I tell myself everything will be fine I want to grow up and be a real bad cop In the end, it will work 以上就是飞外网为您整理的《何以笙箫默》插曲《The Road Not Taken》试听的全部内容,喜欢的朋友可以扫一扫下方的二维码来关注我们或直接添加jdw365微信号,www.365j.com将持续为大家带来更多精彩内容!


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