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see的过去式是 saw过去分词是 seensee [siː]vt. 看见;理解;领会vi. 看;看见;领会n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;(柬)塞;(德)泽[ 过去式saw 过去分词seen 现在分词seeing ] see something in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面 see things 发生幻觉;见神见鬼see in 带领……进去see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物) see here [美国口语]听我说;喂(唤起对方注意或表示不赞成) let's see 让我们看看as you can see 正如你所看到的;你是知道的see through 识破,看穿we'll see 你我都会明白nice to see you 很高兴认识你go and see 去看看see as 看作为;视…为…see clearly 看清楚glad to see you 见到你很高兴see a movie v. 看电影what can you see 你能看见什么see you tomorrow 明天见see you soon 再见;待会儿见;希望尽快见到你as you see 如你所见;可见see1 [si:] vt.1. 看,看见,看到:When I looked out of the window I saw her crossing the road.我向窗外看时,看穗乎见她在过马路。2. 观看:to see a film看电影3. 细看,观察;查看:Can I see your passport, please Miss.小姐,请出示您的护照。4. 看见,看出;感觉到,意识到:to see one's advantage意识到自己的优势5. 理解,领会:to see one's meaning明白了某人的意思6. 参观,游览:to see a place of interest参观名胜古迹7. 认为,判定;把…看做…(as):Martin Luther King was seen as a hero of democratic movement.马丁路德金被认为是民主运动的英雄。8. 从…上得知,获悉:to see some news in the newspaper从报纸上看到一些新闻9. 目睹;历经,体验:to see with one's own eyes亲眼目睹10. 见,参见:See page 8.参见第八页。11. (偶然)遇上,碰见:to see somebody in the street在街上碰见某人12. 拜访,会晤,访问:I'll see you at your house this evening.今晚我要去你家拜访你。13. 接见,会见;接待,与…会面:Finally he was seen by the ambassador.最后,大使接见了他。I'm seeing nobody today.今天我谁也不见。14. 交际,约见:She's seeing too much of Tom.她与汤姆迟族运的约会次数太多了。15. 喜欢,看中;追求:What do you see in her?你看中她什么了?16. 陪伴,护送:I'll see you home after the party.聚会完了以后,我送你回家。17. 同情,鼓励;帮助,资助:You're being seen through college by me!你一直靠了我的资助念完大学!18. 同意,赞成:to see one's opinion同意某人的观点I couldn't see it.我不能接受这个意见。19. 想,考虑:See if you can go with us.考虑一下,看是否能和我们一起去。20. 设想,想像:I could see her pleased at the news.我能想像码梁到,她听到这个消息后会有多高兴。21. 预想,预见,预测:to see greater development in the future预见到日后的更大发展22. 作为…的见证者;(历史等)具有…的特点:the place that has seen a lot of fighting诸多战争的见证地,战场遗址the times that saw great changes巨大变革的时代23. [口语]注意,小心:See the train!小心火车!24. 保证,务使:See that you're coming early tomorrow.明天一定早点来!25. [常用于诅咒或发誓]宁可…(也不…):I'll see you in hell before I sell you my car.我宁愿下地狱,也不会把我的车卖给你。26. [美国俚语]收买,贿赂:to see a judge贿赂一位法官27. 【牌戏】与…下同样的赌注:I'll see your ten.我跟你下十元的赌注。28. [用于否定句]认为有…的可能性:I couldn't see myself coming back before noon.我认为我午前不可能赶回来。vi.1. 看,看见;细看;观看:Could you see?你看得见吗?Go to the door to see!去门口那儿看看!2. 注意,留意;照顾确保;负责做到:See to it that the work is done.注意把工作做好。3. 搞清楚,查明:Go to see for yourself!你自己查查去!4. 察觉,发觉,看出:Oh, I see.啊,我明白了。5. 思考,考虑:Let me see.让我想想。6. [用于祈使句]观察,注意看:See my dad is coming.看,我爸来了!7. 察看,查看:You should see in the paper.你应该查阅一下报纸。8. [口语]阅读乐谱近义词:behold . descry . espy . view . 变形:vt.sawseenseeingsee2 [si:] n.1. 【教会】主教的职位(或权力、威信等)2. 主教的管辖区3. [废语]皇帝御座4. [古语]主教教座双语例句原声例句权威例句His father flew out to see him in hospital.他的父亲从远方乘飞机到医院来看他。《21世纪大英汉词典》Do you think you could persuade them over to see me?你觉得能劝说他们到这里来见我吗?《新英汉大辞典》You have only to look around to see the prosperity of the district.你只要环顾四周,就可看到这个地区的繁荣。《21世纪大英汉词典》


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