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vista 功能简介我们生活在一个数字世界中,与以往相比,要获取更多的信息,要完成更多的工作,要通过更多的方式与其他人交流。每天,全球有数以百万计的人依靠基于 Windows 的 PC 来管理生活中数量不断增加的数字信息。 尽管我们用于管理这些信息的工具很强大并且很熟悉,但是当今世界提出了更多的要求。 您希望 PC 成为您的得力助手,以便自己可以摆脱所有杂事而只关注那些重要的事情。Windows Vista 可以使您的生活更加有条理,因而也可以更加安全、更加轻松地完成日常工作,并能够随时在 PC 上找到所需的内容。 在基于 Windows Vista 的 PC 上欣赏娱乐节目(例如电视和音乐),这在以往是无法实现的。 有了 Windows Vista,无论在家中还是在旅途中,您都可以更方便地与重要的朋友保持联络。DevelopmentMicrosoft first talked about "Longhorn" in July 2001, even before Windows XP's release in October of that year. It was originally expected to ship sometime late in 2003 as a minor step between Windows XP and "Blackcomb" (now known as Windows "Vienna"). Gradually, "Longhorn" assimilated many important new features and technologies of "Blackcomb", and so the date of release was pushed back a few times. Faced with ongoing delays and concerns about feature creep, Microsoft announced on August 27, 2004 that it was making significant changes. "Longhorn" development basically started afresh, building on the Windows Server 2003 codebase, and re-incorporating only the features that would be intended for an actual operating system release. Some previously-announced features, such as WinFS, were dropped.微软早在2001年7月,就第一次提到‘Longhorn' 这个字眼,相比于同颂好兄年10月发行的 ‘XP’都要早。微软原本想在2003年底发行‘Longhorn', 目的是让它作为现行系统 ‘XP’和 未来操作系统袜郑‘Blackcomb' (或者‘Vienna’)的一个小小过度。可随着时间的推移,‘Longhorn' 吸收了‘Blackcomb' 过多的新特性和新技术, 所以‘Longhorn'的野袭发行日期被一推再推。 After "Longhorn" was renamed to Windows Vista, an unprecedented (for Microsoft) beta-test program was started, which has involved hundreds of thousands of volunteers and companies. In September 2005, Microsoft started releasing regular Community Technology Previews (CTP) to beta testers.再‘Longhorn'被重命名为‘Vista’后,一个空前庞大的二版测试程序开始运作了起来,大约几十万名志愿者和公司参与了这个大型的测试程序。2005年9月,微软开始发行标版CTP(公共技术展望)给那些参与了二版测试的志愿者们。It has been suggested that a future Beta 2 CTP will be available through Microsoft's Customer Preview Program — essentially a free download. Microsoft's roadmap also indicates that the current planned "release to manufacturing" date is on or before October 25, 2006.Microsoft's Customer Preview Program将提供免费试用版Beta 2 CTP给公众。同时,微软也指出他们计划在2006年10月25号之前,正式发布‘Vista’正式版。‘Vista’正式版包括:§ Windows Vista Starter:Much like the Windows XP Starter Edition, this edition will be limited to emerging markets, mainly to offer a legal alternative to using unauthorized copies. It will be severely limited, for example only allowing a user to launch at most three applications with a user interface at once, will not accept incoming network connections, and physical memory is limited to 256 MB.§ Windows Vista Home Basic:Similar to Windows XP Home Edition, Home Basic is intended for budget users not requiring advanced media support for home use. The "Aero Glass" theme with translucent effects will not be included with this edition. Home Basic will support up to 8 GB of physical memory.▇这个版本与Windows XP Home Edition类似。Home Basic 面对的用户群是没有很高预算的桌面版本用户。在这个版本中将不包括"玻璃效果"主题。Home Basic 支持最大8G的物理内存。§ Windows Vista Home Premium:Based on the Windows Vista Home Basic, this edition will additionally support more advanced features aimed for the home market segment, such as HDTV support and DVD authoring. Extra games, mobile and tablet computer support, file system encryption, and a photo management application are also included. This edition is comparable to Windows XP Media Center Edition and Tablet PC Edition. Home Premium will support up to 16 GB of physical memory.█这个版本是Windows Vista Home Basic的升级版,此版本为高端家用用户提供,提供对高分辨率电视的支持和数字化视频制作等比较先进的特征。 额外的游戏,移动设备和Tablet PC支持,支持文件系统加密技术。这个版本类似于Windows XP Media Center Edition 和Tablet PC Edition。 支持最大16GB的物理内存。§ Windows Vista Business:Comparable to Windows XP Professional, and aimed at the business market. Does not include the Media Center features of Home Premium, but does include the IIS web server, fax support, offline files, dual physical processor support, Remote Desktop, ad-hoc P2P collaboration capabilities, and support for 128 GB of memory. Product activation is not present in this edition.█这个版本类似于Windows XP Professional, 主要面向与中小型公司。该版本将不提供对家庭用户的支持, 在这个版本中内置 IIS web server, fax support和offline files,支持最多两个处理器,远程控制和远程桌面,特别加入了对P2P的支持,最大支持128GB的物理内存。§ Windows Vista Enterprise:This edition is aimed at the enterprise segment of the market, and is a superset of the Business edition. Additional features include a single-session version of Virtual PC, multilingual user interface support, BitLocker Drive Encryption, and UNIX application support. This edition will not be available through retail or OEM channels.[6]§ Windows Vista Ultimate:This edition combines all the features of Home Premium and Enterprise editions, and additionally comes with podcast creation support — which Microsoft has dubbed "blogcasting" — a game performance tweaker (code-named WinSAT), DVD ripping capabilities, and special online services for downloadable media, as well as additional customer service options. The Ultimate edition is aimed to be the most impressive edition of Vista, aimed at high-end PC users, gamers, multimedia professionals, and PC enthusiasts. Like the Business and Enterprise versions, product activation will not be required.█这是 Windows Vista 各个版本中最令人惊讶的一个版本。在这个版本中包括了Home Premium和Enterprise editions的所有功能。这个版本提供了定级的数字视频处理能力,并可附加选择其他在线增值服务。只是一个令人印象深刻的操作系统,面向于高消费阶层的个人用户,游戏用户,多媒体专业人士和个人计算机爱好者。在这个版本中将不再需要产品激活。最新动态:于2006年6月正式发布了各国语言的Windows Vista Beta 2版本,内部版本号为Build 5384,其中包含了简体中文的测试版,并且可以激活使用到2007.7为止.并且其内部组建Windows Media Player 11和Microsoft Internet Explorer 7也发布其相对应的简体中文测试版.同期发布的还有配套的Office 2007简体中文测试版


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